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May 19, 2007
by yosako

Networking on MySpace

MySpace is an online community where members can meet to share photos, journals and interests with an extensive network of friends. The MySpace mission statement describes the MySpace network as being for everyone including: Friends who want to talk Online Single people who want to meet other Singles Matchmakers who want to connect their friends with other friends Families who want to keep in touch–map your Family Tree Business people and co-workers interested in networking Classmates and study partners Anyone looking for long lost friends! From this description it is clear that MySpace is an excellent place for online networking. This article will take a look at how to find … Continue reading

May 19, 2007
by yosako

Getting Noticed on MySpace

Getting noticed on MySpace is very similar to getting noticed in real life. Those who want to create a great deal of interest in their MySpace website should create an appealing website, offer something unique to visitors and make a concerted effort to meeting others on MySpace. Additionally, MySpace members should optimize their website for keywords they wish to be associated with to ensure other members will find their website when searching for these keywords.

May 19, 2007
by yosako

Promoting Your Business on MySpace

The question of whether or not MySpace can be used to promote a business is certainly debatable. MySpace is intended to be a non-commercial website by nature but there is a different between blatant commercialization and mentioning a product or service you offer and providing a link as a useful resource to visitors of your website. This article will take a look at the opportunities to promote a business on MySpace by providing information on determining whether or not your method of business promotion is permitted on MySpace and information on how to promote your business without being accused of spamming MySpace.

May 19, 2007
by yosako

Advertising on MySpace

MySpace is an online community where users have the opportunity to create websites where others can view personal information about them and contact them. However, savvy Internet marketers have found MySpace can also be used to advertise products or service or for the purpose of self promotion. Care should be taken to review the terms of use on MySpace to ensure none of your actions are in violation of these terms but otherwise users can advertise either directly or indirectly on their MySpace website.

May 19, 2007
by yosako

MySpace or Your Space?

MySpace is quickly revolutionizing the dating scene. MySpace advertises themselves as a virtual community for users to network, meet people, browse profiles and make friends around the world. However, some are taking this ability to meet people even further and are using MySpace similarly to the way they would use a dating website. While couples are still meeting in more traditional locations such as nightclubs and bar, more and more couples are making love connections online via MySpace.